Bhasma & pishti

Shankh Bhasma 

Shankh Bhasma is hot in potency and is the drug of choice for hyperacidity (amlapitta) and peptic ulcer (parinama shula). It stimulates digestion, and eliminates gas present in the abdomen. 

Sphatika Bhasma 

Sphatika Bhasma pacifies pitta dosha and burning sensation in the body. It is very useful in fever and excessive thirst. 

Swarna Bhasma

It is anabolic, beneficial to the heart. It detoxifies the toxic metabolites and possesses a mild anti tuber-cular activity. It boosts up the sattva attribute of the mind and reduces rajas and tamasa gunas. It alleviates vata and pitta doshas. 

Swarna Bhasma is used to treat diseases like tuberculosis, anemia, cough, debility, muscular debility, vata doshas attributed diseases. It acts as a rejuvenative to promote longevity and prevent ageing. 

Swarnamakshika Bhasma

Swarnamakshika bhasma is used in treating various diseases like anemia, hyperacidity, burning sensation in the body, diabetes mellitus, bleeding disorders, etc. 

Tamra Bhasma

It is useful in liver disorders like hepatitis, stones in Gall bladder, liver cirrhosis and liver and spleen enlargement. It stimulates digestive fire and helps in proper digestion and assimilation of food.  It has shown great results in anemia, ascites, etc.

Tankan Bhasma

Tankan Bhasma is prepared from Borax. It is used in ayurvedic treatment of lack of menstruation, cough, bronchitis, etc. 

Trivang Bhasma

Trivang Bhasma in treatment of Diabetes, UTI. 

Vaidurya Pishti

It alleviated Pitta dosha, hence improves symptoms of burning sensation in the body, anxiety, gastritis and improves digestion.

Vaikranta Bhasma

Vaikranta Bhasma is cold in potency, has sweet post-digestive effect. It promotes body's strength, increases memory, stimulates appetite and is aphrodisiac and rejuvenating. It is used in fever, skin diseases, tuberculosis and ascites.

Vanga Bhasma

Vanga Bhasma is rejuvenating, digestant, appetiser, aphrodisiac, immuno-stimulant in properties. It also promotes intelligence. Vanga Bhasma is very popular in treatment of Diabetes mellitus, anemia, skin diseases like eczema, leucorrhoea, Tuberculosis. It is highly recommended for sexual debility and oligospermia. It boosts up all dhatva agnis, hence it helps in nourishment of all body's dhatus. 

For regd. medical practitioners or laboratory use only.