Rock Salt- A true jewel of natural care
You may have seen rock salt at supermarkets, in pools, and along the road – but what exactly is it, how does it work, and how can it benefit your health?
Qualities of Sendha or Saindhav namak (Rock Salt), according to Bhavprakash Nighantu:
सैन्धवं लवणं स्वादु दीपनं पाचनं लघु।। स्निग्धं रुच्यं हिमं वृष्यं सूक्ष्मं नेत्र्यं त्रिदोषहत्।।
दीपनं- Appetizer
पाचनं- Digestive
लघु- Light to digest
स्निग्धं- Oily and Emollient (softening or soothing effect)
रुच्यं- Increases interest in food.
हिमं- Cooling in nature
वृष्यं- Aphrodisiac
सूक्ष्मं- Spreads minutely.
नेत्र्यं- Beneficial for eyes
त्रिदोषहत्- Balances the tridosha
Ayurveda considers many different salts as having health-giving properties. But the most common salt that's used in daily cooking is rock salt, which is abundantly available and inexpensive. This article reviews the health benefits of Rock salt in daily cooking as per Ayurveda.
Some basics about rock salts which one should know are as follows:
The only salt with a cooling effect is Sendha Namak.
It is a sodium chloride crystal.
According to Ayurveda, Saindhav Lavana is the best salt to use daily in cooking. Sendha Namak is the only salt that enhance and preserves vision.
Medicinal qualities of Saindhav lavana:
Digestive (Deepan) and carminative (Pachan)
Antacid (Used as a supporting element in ayurvedic formulations)
Check Antacid Syrup-Peptonil Syrup
Cough expectorant (gargling is done with luke warm water)
Can individuals with hypertension take Saindhava lavana?
Saindhava lavana is tridoshar and can be utilised by those with hypertension. However, if your doctor has forbidden Na intake, you should avoid it.
Does rock salt have iodine in it?
It includes a very small amount of iodine, if you have an iodine deficiency, it cannot replace your iodized salt. Iodized salt and saindhava lavana can be combined in equal parts and used in cooking if you suffer from an Iodine deficiency.
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